Long time no write, guys. I’m really sorry.

I can’t say anything that’ll really not make you disappointed, but here goes.

As some of you might now or realized, I was in nursing school. I’ve graduated and now I have to pass the NCLEX examination to get my license.

I’ve tried twice now. I failed both times. I am on my third attempt. This exam ‘locks’ you out for 3 months every time you fail, and the first try costs $400; any re-exams are about $320. As you can see, I’ve already spent $720 on this exam, not including reviews and study material. I’m gonna spend another $320 here in a month, meaning I’ve spent $1040 on this exam just to get a fucking license.

It’s been difficult. I’ve been a disappointment to myself and my family. Writing has been on the wayside, even though I still love it. Not to mention fandom crap and BLARGH.

Anyway, I know its all excuses. ~.~ And I’m sorry. It’s all I can offer.

I do want to finishes these stories but right now? RL and my own inspiration aren’t working with me to do it.

However if you don’t want to want for me, you are free to email me at [email protected] and ask about any fic you would like to know the resolution of. I can give you a summary of the events meant to happen and the ending if you would like closure. Please put the fic title in the subject so if it goes to junk mail I can retrieve it easily.

Thank you ALL for reading and reviewing my works in the past. I appreciate you all and I’m sorry I was just another disappointment ; ;

It's been a while since I've done this or any other sort of update… but fuck me I finally had to get the time to do something like this. It's been grating my nerves since I returned to the writing some years ago and have been getting involved in online communities.

Surprise folks. Kid roleplays.

I've been roleplaying for years to be honest. If there is a roleplay server on my current MMORPG obsession I've always made a character on it. Sometimes I make alts on NON-RP servers just to fuck around and RP on. Sometimes it's just me and a couple friends running around doing weird shit and RPing.

And yeah. I will RP outside the MMO too. I like interactive creative writing and that's the basis of RP. It's a creative literature based pastime. Typically my RP outside my MMOs tend to be fandom-central.

Why did I bring that up? Cause it's gonna be basis of this rant.

Sure, it can apply to anything, and by god take it to apply to anything. So, you ready readers? Cause here I go.

Any fandom you go into you're gonna find that people like to make original characters. Sometimes you'll find people with original characters that are pretty damn cool—like you wonder, why aren't you doing original writing? Cause their use of characterization and such is really awesome and you're amazed. Even if it's a RP or even a fanfic, the original character in it has interest and intrigue. (Although in the case of fanfic, even I'll typically more oft than not hit the back button if the OC is a Mary Sue shoved up to rival the actual canon characters. This is mostly an RP thing.)

A buddy o' mine addressed this before but I'm gonna go into massive, ranty detail. And because it's a rant I'm gonna tear it apart and not give a fuck. One thing about the Megaman fandom, especially if you branch out into the Zero/ZX series, is there's a lot of OCs. And you know, given how easily it is to introduce OCs into a series like ZX, it kinda makes sense.

The problem is most people shit out the most horrible fucking characters. For the most part, 40% of the OCs fall into 'recolors' or rip offs of canon characters. I mean even before ZX series came into fucking existence, even way back almost eleven fucking years ago there were soooo many fucking "Zero MK III" or some such bullshit.



That's not how it works. You know why Zero's amazing? He's a fucking canon character. Guess what? Canon characters, especially main ones that reoccur in a series, are typically always fucking cooler than anything you pull out of your anal orifice.

You know in school, like middle school even, when you copy someone and everyone knows it and they snicker behind your back at you and some people straight up call you a poser?

Yeah. You're doing it again.

I don't even get why so many people fucking wanna copy Zero anyway. Oh sure, he's the badass darkhorse anti-hero-thinking long-haired sword-wielding ends-up-using-every-fucking-weapon-imaginable pretty-boy pet-of-his-creator cold-exterior-lukewarm-interior questionable-sexuality androgynous guy. That's cool. That works… for him.

Guess what? You aren't Keiji Inafune. He beat you to it. All of you fucking Zero remakes… and worse of all, you Omega remakes… learn some fucking creativity. Your "MK II"s or clones or JACKED UP FUCKING "CHILDREN" Zero-wannabes need to just be redone. That is the most retarded fucking backstory you could give an OC that's supposed to exist in the same fandom. It's a copout! That's what it is—I don't care if you think you're so goddamn cool or your character is so goddamn amazing. He or she isn't, you aren't, you need to get out of your asshole and if you're gonna make an OC for a fandom you need to make one that fits logically.

Okay sure. People do it for fun. Who am I to rain on your parade? I'm just some hick bitch from Florida's wanna-be boony countryside. Ranting rage aside, you can do what you damn well please.

But when you seriously have this goddamn ego complex where you actually think your OC is more awesome than the canon character YOU FUCKING RIPPED OFF YOU CAN GO TO CREATIVE WRITING HELL.

"Oh but s/he may be a copy/clone/child-thing but s/he has so much development and personality you can't tell!"

Fuck you.

You can tell. You can tell it's so fucking obvious, especially because half these retarded OCs actually interact with who their cloned with. 75% of the time they fight and the OC somehow wins cause LOL I R IMPROVED CLONE U R INFERIOR ORIGINAL cause they recall the Zero vs Omega fight where technically the copy won over the original.

That was a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the Zero series.

You just fucking ruined it. You asshole.

There's a reason OC stands for "original character." Original. Original. Original. Original. ORIGINAL GODDAMN YOU.

So that's that subject.

You know what I really wanna touch base on before I move on to more OC stuff? I wanna touch base on how people perceive the canon characters themselves. While I understand some people are gonna brush me off immediately cause I write yaoi, hear me out. I'll be a little less angry for this part.

This is more for fanfics/fan art than it is RP. But when you stretch your creative arm and write/draw these canon characters, anything you do is pretty much fanon. You can rant and rave that Zero or X are gay or not, Zero is some goof off the work clock, X can't cut loose or even think impure things; that Zero and Iris were the most wonderful heartwarming couple or not or Alia and X had a thing… and nothing you say is a reflection of true canon.

It's all story and character interpretation basically. And you know what, that's cool, guys.

What makes a fanfic awesome or amazing, or a fanart that much better, is that what the canon characters are doing/saying is logical for what they've shown in game. When you have a scene where X rushes off to kick Maverick butt after they hurt some humans, it's cool, cause that's totally logical for him to do. It's when people depict him doing things that aren't logical at all for his shown character that makes it horrible.

You can say yaoi is an indication of this. Honestly? You could replace 'Zero' for your favorite heroine and X would probably do the same basic things. Love's love folks. Let's get that out of the way.

Het or yaoi, though, I've seen this bad characterization of characters a lot. Hell I've done it too, mostly in jest. But some people make it serious and suddenly think its canon?

Guys, just because Zero is a long haired bishie boy doesn't mean he's all about womanizing. He isn't going to go up to Iris or Layer and grab their boobs or make crude jokes about their assists. He isn't going to do the homosexual opposite with Axl or X either. While sometimes the games lack exploring it, there really is depth to these characters. Just because X saves the world eight times doesn't mean he's a total workaholic who doesn't know better. Yes, there's a bit of naivety in X. That's a trait. But he isn't fucking stupid or retarded, helpless or a child.

What bothers me about 90% of fanfics, especially yaoi, is that most people depict X as this rape-bait helpless person. That even if he's basically the strongest being alive, people try to give him these weaknesses that just don't really work out. Yes he has a guilty conscious. That doesn't mean he's gonna bend over and take it up the ass while crying and sobbing and isn't even held down.

Be logical guys. Actually look at the canon character you're writing about, learn about them, and write/draw appropriately. It really makes awesome things. It's fun to explore AU possibilities and stuff, don't get me wrong. Some AU stuff can be really fucking cool. But accept it as AU. Your "headcanon" or fanon is just that.

And quit making fucking furries. And clones. And illegitimate children.

Think of the message you're sending, Jesus.

So moving on, back to OC things. And thus, back to anger. I wanna go on to something that personally peeves me.

Like I said, I RP. Sometimes, I RP characters I perceive as powerful. There's different types of power, mind you, and typically whoever outsmarts the enemy wins regardless of power. You can have vast power differences (say, a regular 'combat' Reploid vs a Mega Man) and the 'weaker' can still win simply because they played smartly.

But so many people make OCs with these vast massive powers, or illogical training/battle knowledge, or combine the two and make them basically gods compare to canons. And these are the OCs I have issues with.

Like, sometimes OCs are that awesome. They got something to them that people can't beat til they learn the pattern. That's typical, really. But, and this is kinda more out the RP and more in the sprite "comics" or whatever I see everywhere, OCs have these unnatural, unfitting powers or talents. And 90% of the time, it makes them better than the canons.

I get you want your OC to be awesome. You want something to make them stand out. But overpowering canons for your ego appeasement is retarded. You're fucking stupid. And most of the time, these OCs who are just OH SO QUALIFIED to fight on even terms with the HEROES/VILLAINS OF THE WORLD are typically the clones and recolors.

Look, I know I've seen before I can't stop you from doing your thing, just like you can't stop me from writing Zero shoving it up X's butt while Omega shoves it up Zero's butt. But what's the point of being in a fandom, if you completely negate the actual characters involved in it?

If you want an immensely overpowered OC, why bother putting it into a fandom? Are you that desperate to show off or get epeen strokes that you take your unsightly creation, pit against the powerful heroes/villains and show pathetically obviously-rigged fights where somehow your OC walks away victorious?

If such a character existed what's the point of the canons? If your OC could whoop Zero's ass, enslave X, woo Leviathan and Ciel and make a butt monkey out of Omega, then what's the point or any of those canons existing? Moreover, what's the point of inserting such an atrocity into the universe you're so desperate to break?

There isn't.

Whether you like it or not, the canons are always gonna be cooler than your OCs. They're gonna be smarter, stronger, and overall just better. Why? Cause it's their universe. This is a fandom, and the fans rally the story and the canon characters.

Whether in RP or your sprite comics or your fanfics or what have you, OCs aren't the top of the food chain. They aren't related to canons. They aren't associated with them. They certainly aren't fucking them.

Sure, create your stories. Fine, share them. But don't ever argue your shit makes sense, is logical, and could 'easily fit.' It doesn't. It's retarded. Get over it. It's just your little fantasy. It's not canon and should never be argued as canon and sure as fuck shouldn't be considered as creative or awesome as things that flow naturally or fit more logically.

In an RP setting you could say there's a bit of lenity. If you limited it to just canons, you'd have a small RP group. Arguably I say that's kinda better but I digress. So OCs are brought in, and the OCs have to be able to survive. And they shouldn't just survive because your RP rules state none shalt kill another. They should survive by playing smart, and if a clash occurs, they play even smarter.

I'm sorry but your OC isn't going to withstand a punch to the face from Atlas without some serious pain. Your OC isn't going to go 'pew pew' with a little gun and cause massive damage to Aile while she's Merged. Whether you like it or not, these canons are stronger than you.

The one thing that separates RP from fanfic/sprite comics is that the canon is controlled by a player. Therefore, the canon is sort of a proxy-OC. However, just cause you RP a canon doesn't mean you're immensely powerful either. If you play stupid, all that vast power does you no good. Even Atlas is gonna feel it if she doesn't move from a saber coming into her flank.

At this point I'm basically saying know your checks and balances. Outside of RP, canons are gods basically. They're the heroes/villains of the games for reasons. Your OCs aren't. Don't bother trying to flip that because 90% of you can't do it right, won't do it right, and won't bother trying to do it right or learn to do it right.

In the RP setting, both players need to be smart. The OC has to be smarter if they wanna live, but the canon RPer has to be smart too because right now the canon is vulnerable due to being controlled by a player and is not in a pre-set story scenario.

Basically… learn to fucking read, comprehend, and think logically.

Moving on to the actual OC themselves. In the ZX series especially, there's tons of OCs. Hell I got some. And I know two of them don't really belong. I admit it. Could they? Sure if the technology would also exist. But does it? Not the way I wrote it. But unless I get really obnoxious sounding I'll leave that for a different rant.

A buddy touched on this, but so many characters are just angst. Angst angst angst OH WOE IS ME MY LIFE IS TERRIBLE MY PAST IS SO HORRIBLE I MUST AVENGE MYSELF or something.

Angst is a powerful character tool. So is revenge. I encourage the smart and creative uses of these tools. But angst and revenge aren't everything a person is. Sure, they can be consumed by it. But by god, put some fucking thought into it.

Being consumed by anything typically is short lived. Either the state of being consumed by that emotion or the character. No one functions long like that without being disgustingly repetitive. Even Sigma got pretty repetitive. It was getting pretty boring cause nothing changed. But hey, that's canon. This is OC and you got no fucking excuse.

The sad thing is half the fuckers who are all ANNNNNNNNGST are such with very little substance. And most of the time it's for attention. Oh the tragedy! Oh the horror! Best part? These asswipe of OCs only bring up the angst and terrible shit when it suits them. Otherwise they're perfectly fine and happy. BUT OMG. PROMETHEUS KILLED MY DAD AND YOU SAID HIS NAME. I WILL IMMEDIATELY GO INTO AN INCONSOLABLE RAGE/CRYING FIT AND REMAIN SO UNTIL I GET BORED AND THEN I AM SUDDENLY HAPPY GO LUCKY AGAIN.

Shut the hell up.

Is legitimate character development so hard? Does it really kill so many brain cells to sit down and think of your characters as realistic beings capable of higher level thought? You might have a terrible past but there's gotta be more, otherwise you're one boring shitbag. If your character is seriously nothing but angst and/or revenge, with little to no other substance to them, then you know how that character comes off? Fake, unrealistic, and to be avoided.

There's more to life than tragedy and vengeance. Is it true it can consume a person? Yes. But like I said there's gotta be more. The OC might be depressed, but they can do more than mope in a corner or try to OD off pills. There's more they can do then relentlessly chase after the ever elusive prey for revenge.

Fucking do something for God's sake.

The worst ones are the OCs that focus on their angst and revenge and do nothing about it. Or are so fucking stupid they always miss the chance to fix it, so they're eternally fucked and have these stupid excuses to continue being pathetic and one dimensional. This is fucking stupid. Why do you do this.

Another thing that got touched on by my friend was OC relationships. I'm not even touching OC/Canon. I've done that. I'm done ranting about that. So we'll do OC/OC!

RP relationships are hard. You got two different players who're bringing their characters closer. But just because it's hard doesn't mean you're SUDDENLY IN LOVE JUST CAUSE. If you can't say why your character is paired with another's then you're not only failing your RP partner, you're failing yourself you fucking failure.

Yes I just added that on to sound mean.

Seriously, think logically here. There's love at first sight and all, and there's that high of emotion, but after that's over then what? Is there something else supporting that relationship? Or are you forcing this eternal emotional high so you have a "valid excuse" for this relationship?

Do the characters stay in character when in this relationship? Do they still get to have room to develop and grow? Did you have to fucking plan this to happen?

"Oh they're so beautiful and kind and wonderful! I looooove you" shut the fuck up you wanna be Twilight. Let's have some SUBSTANCE! Let's have some LIFE here. PROGRESS? REALISTIC DEVELOPMENT? ANYONE? C'MON NOW.

I'm not gonna make it to every point I wanna get across, mostly cause I'm sleepy as all hell, but honestly guys. Think. You can think can't you? You got brains in those skulls right?

Then fucking use them.

Goddamn fandoms.
Not much of an update, other then I'm still trying to get my preceptorship shit together.

Once I get into a schedule I'll be less stressed/mind-blank I think.

Thanks ya'll.
Okay so I'm terrible at this blogging thing, I really should try to keep it updated. Anyways, happy belated new years, we are in 2012! Let's hope I can finish all my stories before the end of the world, eh? =D

All right, first things first, I'ma give you all the low down. I'm sick. What I'm sick with I don't know. It's random, sharp pain in my head that comes and goes sometimes quick, sometimes lasts. My neurologist has no idea what's wrong so we're in the 'let's test all these medication options' phase. I've had this issue since summer, and while I don't wanna make it an excuse it's partly the reason for the drought of writing.

Hopefully the meds will work, but so far it's made the pain more frequently, just doesn't last as long.

I have unofficially passed nursing. By that I mean I've gone through 99% of the classes, now I'm going to do preceptorship. I'll be partnered with an actual RN and work her shift with her 3 days out of the week. Full shifts, 7 to 7 (later if need be) and overtime doesn't count for my hours. Once I get that schedule down, you should see more updates from me, since that leaves me four days to myself.

Anyway, to the stuff ya'll actually care about! STORY STATUS!

Song of Memory: Redux - this story IS NOT ABANDONED. I know it's been going for like, two years, but I swore I'd finish it and finish it I will. Right now we're on chapter 36 of the planned 50+Epilogue. As you surely know by now, SoMR is basically a re-telling of the X-series starting pretty much just before X4, and we're currently in X8. A few have asked me, what about X1-X3? While I won't be following those games exactly, I promise some elements from them will come to light in the remaining chapters. I will not include any elements from Xtreme, as I didn't play them, and CM was already covered. For those who've been continued fans and readers, and even those newly discovering it, thank you! I truly appreciate you all.

The Legends of Neo Arcadia - While many probably don't know about this mini project, as only one fic of it has been completed, I will state these are all pretty much only 1% completed. While I dearly love the sci-fi+fantasy elements, I think out of all the 'series' I have on the site, these will be on the end of the list to be done. Sorry for any that knew of them and were looking forward to them.

Through Glass - This is basically my second 'Cold', in that it'll be long. Cold took months of straight work to complete, and with preceptorship and head issues (Haha, I'm mental *bricked*) I don't know how long TG will take. However, after SoMR, this is second highest priority. I dearly love my concept for it, and so far I quite like my quality of writing. It's fics like this and Cold that I try to write my best and then attempt to beat that best with something better. TG I'll be happy if it's comparable to Cold. I'll be truly proud of its better. As such, I will warn my readers, The final part of Through Glass will not be posted until I am thoroughly happy with the entire thing. Unlike Cold, which I posted all at once, I am trying with posting TG in parts. If you like, you can tell me which you prefer--waiting for a final product, or seeing it work in progress.

60 Days - This is a spur of the moment one shot mini series. It's not meant to have an actual 'end' piece. Therefore, it may or may not be updated in the future, it's just something you have to watch out for. I can't force myself to write a 60 Days piece if I don't want to, and I'm not gonna even try ^^;

Beauty of the Beast - I admit, this was just supposed to be a guilty pleasure, PWP Omega/shota!Zero series for my inner pervert. However, as I was writing the later parts, I suddenly had the inspiration for a real, in-depth plot. Right now the first 3 chapters (the porn ones) are going to be completely rewritten to better match a less porny story. Fear not, if you're a fan of the dirty smut, I will keep them posted elsewhere on the site. But the re-writing is, like the Legends of Neo Arcadia, below that of SoMR and TG.

Rockin' Zero! - This is crack. It's meant to be crack. While it has a 'plot' in a sense, it's still nonesense humor for those nights I'm high on caffiene, incredibly tired but can't sleep, or just feel like making a fool of myself. So updates will be sporadic.

And finally, for those of you who wander here from FF.net (I'll end up copying this on my FF.net profile just to make sure you see it) for my DISSIDIA fic:

Magnet and Magnetized - I am so sorry for the lack of updates here. To be perfectly honest Magnet is nearing the end and I would love to finish it up for you all! I still love 8x9 and want to write more on them! However, I am still primarily a Rockman ficwriter, so while I swear I will finish Magnet and it's sister fic, I can't promise a steady schedule like it had before. However, I want it to be known that I will work on Magnet til the end, and then finish up Magnetized after the main fic is finished! Please bear with me, and those who continue to enjoy it, thank you so much!

Also, about the website:

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've put fics on seperate pages in accordance to their series. I will also start linking the newest updates on the homepage across from the updater Plurk thing. Only three updates will be there at a time, so keep watch of Plurk if it's been a while since your last visit!

I also took down the Preview section. Sorry. It was useless when we hit that writing drought. Random one shots are short enough to not need previews and multi-chap stories... you'll just have to wait ^^;

I'll keep the sprites and MML3 sections up but for sprites, don't expect much, haha.

I think that's about it. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment, email me at [email protected] or add me to MSN (Same email), but make sure you give me some indication of who you are/your purpose or I'll think you're a bot XD;
I'm not really all that great at blogging.

Anyway, the poll has been taken out and the results have 15 votes for YES to preview section and one vote for NO. The 'other' was a test from me, so it doesn't count obviously lol

Preview section will go up Saturday. Hopefully I'll have worked on a few pieces between now and then.

Thanks guys~

@Sal23 - Late reply is late, but thank you for enjoying the essay! I am glad it seems legit, I truly did want to have as much support as possible. =
Probably post this on dA and LJ too for the hell of it.

Got the idea from randomly finding this community on LJ: http://ship-manifesto.livejournal.com/profile

The only pairing there was X/Alia (and although not my supported pairing, it was a well done essay, no bad grammar/spelling mistakes and the like).

So I'ma do one for Zero/X. I'll follow the format of the community, but I doubt I'll post it there, mostly cause I'm not game enough to deal with possible anti-gay people and blah blah. Late night rambling. So onwards.

Anyone who's played the Megaman X / Rockman X and it's 'sequel', Megaman Zero / Rockman Zero know well who these two are, but here is a brief overview. Please understand this is written with the knowledge the reader has played the games, therefore, there are spoilers.

Megaman X, shortened to simply 'X', is an advanced android created long ago by the infamous and brilliant Dr. Light. X is the first man-made creation to actually possess the power to think for himself and to emotionally feel on his own, completely independent of human interference. Within X lies limitless potential, something he himself doesn't understand. That potential can be used for good or evil, and X was sealed by Dr. Light to undergo vigorous tests to ensure that potential was used for good as he intended.

X can be classified as the reluctant warrior, a fighter who wishes for nothing but to finally put his arms down and be at peace with the world. He desires nothing more than a world where his kind, the Reploids, can finally join hand-in-hand with their human creators as they were meant to. Yet when something threatens that ideal, X takes to arms, even if it's his last wish to do so. He isn't afraid to protect his dream, and despite all the hell he goes through, X maintains that desire for peace and determination to see it through. He is warm, helpful, a humble savior who just wants to extend his hand to those who need it.

Zero could also be considered a reluctant warrior, except his reluctance is rarely shown. Instead, he is a Reploid of action; where X will try to use peaceful tactics first, Zero sees no reason to negotiate with an enemy and has no moral problem with cutting down those he deems unsalvageable.

This is not to say Zero is heartless--far from it. When he thinks there's a hope he will do what he can to preserve it, and when he is uncertain he will hesitate. The classic scenario would be during the events of Megaman X4, when he battles Colonel and Iris. He knows they are wrong, and beseeches them... but he hardens himself to do what must be done and stops them at the cost of his own feelings.

It's never quite stated outright, but Zero was created by Dr. Wily, Dr. Light's archrival in robotics genius. Truth be told, Zero was meant to be Dr. Wily's last attempt at world domination, and if Zero were not sealed, perhaps he would have succeeded. Zero is disgustingly powerful, much like X, but once freed of the mind-dominating Maverick Virus he chose to use that power to protect instead of destroy.

Many people would assume like most games, the lead males would become romantically involved with the lead females. Unfortunately, in the ways of MMX, there are no true lead females until Alia. Iris lasted only a single game, and her relationship with Zero was severely undefined. Many will claim his scenes with her showed obvious love--on the other hand, Zero does not have many friends and those he deems such are so cherished by him. Iris and Colonel were good friends of Zero's, and to be the one to kill them would drive anyone to the rage and sadness Zero went to. His memory of her in X5 is still an undefined point, for to Zero, Iris was an innocent of a conflict he wished she did not involve herself in. An innocent he could not save.

As for X and Alia, their roles to each other are typically professional. Much like the Zero+Iris, Alia is the one to show the most possible 'love' for X. Unfortunately, X seems complete oblivious, and in some ways, uncaring to know of such.

As the cast of MMX changes constantly and many characters are unfortunately killed, shipping is hard to do. But there is one pairing that does shine above the rest, and that is X and Zero themselves.
Zero and X are best friends, this is canonically stated several times throughout the games. Zero himself says at the end of Megaman Zero, "We were always the best of partners..."

The truth was, they were. Zero and X were the dynamic duo, brothers-in-arms, always together and rarely apart. There was nothing Zero wouldn't do for X and vice versa. In fact, in the very first X game, Zero sacrificed himself to save X. Naturally, many people would do this for their best friend, and Zero made the choice with no hesitation. X was the hope, he knew, and X was important to him, he was going to save him no matter what.

The re-made version of X1 made this scene that much more emotional, and following X's burst of anger at Sigma, more so. X had remained rather calm throughout the ordeal, and only after the loss of his most important person did X finally lose that patience he was so well known for.

What leads to these two possibly being romantically involved (or if never involved, the feelings were there) is what many non-yaoi fans would deem brotherly/friendly affection only. However, there are various interactions and speech from either of them that indicates more.

X2 brought us the chance to reclaim Zero's parts. Although it was risky, and an obvious trap, X went through hell to get those parts at just the slim hope he can rebuild Zero. Sigma wanted nothing more than to pit the two against each other, and depending on player choice, it happened. But X did not slay Zero; he merely fought him until Zero regained his mind.

What this piece shows is that Zero is X's 'wild trigger,' so to speak. Not including Maverick Hunter X's rendition of Zero's death, this would be the first time we see X actually do something almost irrational. The trap was obvious, the risks were great and X knew this. X isn't a naive idiot as some fanfic writers sometimes make him--he's a calculating, sharp-witted warrior. And yet all that gets thrown to the dump at the slim hope, not even hard evidence, that he could get Zero back.

Our duo return to work together in X3. After X's abduction, Zero immediately sets off to rescue him. Once again this can be seen as merely friendship, but this immediate 'must find X' mindset of Zero's is shown not just in X3, but many games to come. Aside from the usual comrade dialogue and actions, I admit X3 doesn't quite have the evidence of other games, although Zero and X do interact much more often than previous games (minus MHX).

X4 brought us Iris to Zero's story. Unfortunately, even I will admit the Zero portion of X4's plot brings little to the table for this pairing. X's isn't that much better, although his ending does include Zero. Their conversation is brief, but does show quite a lot within it. X gives to Zero the duty he would give only to person he trusted the most, the duty to put down X should he go Maverick. Zero is affronted and refuses to verbally accept this request, going so far as to terminate the conversation forcefully. Zero's reluctance and horror of such a request is shown by his words and actions: he would rather die again than to do such a thing to X.

X5 is the pinnacle of this pairing's evidence. This game's plot tested their endurance, physical and emotional strength, and their very bond. Regardless of how the player goes about the game, Zero meets his untimely demise after a terrible battle against X, of which in any scenario were born from, at the root of it all, care for each other. X worried about Zero's condition, and would do anything to put Zero safely back into HQ; Zero worried the same of X. However, their brash stubbornness led to a battle, of which Zero did not walk from.

If the player ended up with a Maverick Zero, X's dialogue further enforces their deep bond. He knows the true Zero is nothing like this, and will do anything to bring him back. Unlike other Mavericks he had known once, X truly does restrain himself so that he did not kill Zero. Where is the evidence in this action? Despite knowing almost all the previous Mavericks, X nonetheless destroyed them effortlessly. X is a soldier, peace-loving or not, and he will destroy his enemies. Except for this one: out of all the Mavericks he faced, X cannot bring himself to kill Zero.

An excerpt from the end of the Maverick Zero battle:

"X: ......... ... I'm... losing my strength... and... ... energy... I...
can't... see any... thing... ... Ze... Zero... Don't... leave...
Please... stand... by... me... ... I'll... protect... you... Zero... "

And even before all of that is X's outburst when Zero pilots the shuttle to destroy the colonel. Right to the face of his fellow Hunters, whom are supposed to be his comrades as well, X himself declares Zero not just his best friend, his ONLY friend. Once more we see how Zero is X's 'wild trigger'; he loses his cool at his superior office about him, uncharacteristically demanding they wait for Zero, that he can't leave him to die.

Others parts of the game include Sigma's taunts at X.

"Sigma: Gha ha ha ha ha...! Isn't it painful to have to watch while
others suffer? You can put up with your own pain......but can't bear
to see others, especially Zero, harmed, can you? I'm taking Zero, the
one most important to you... to the underworld! Goodbye, X... Gha ha
ha ha!"

Spoken aloud by a character, it is canonically established Zero is the most important person to X. Above everyone else, it is Zero that X cherishes.

Zero can be taken to the final Sigma fight as well, depending on player choices. To an extent, Sigma also implies the same thing in his taunt to Zero, who reacts appropriately.

"Sigma: Gha ha ha ha ha! X seems to be somewhere close... The three of
us can die together... You won't feel lonely if X is with you...
Zero: No! Leave X out of this! "

Multiple endings, almost all of them implying the pair's bond, exist within this game. From one ending, we have this:

"X: I can face any enemy now... I will feel this way... as long as I
have this Saber... I'll do it today, Zero... with you...!
Forever... We'll be together... Zero... "

(To interject some silly, perhaps immature humor, whoever doesn't see that as romantic is just blind. I'm sorry.)

X6 is all about X clearing Zero's name and redeeming his memory. In this game we see X tunnel-vision quite a bit, in that Alia and Signas must keep X in check when Zero is publicly trashed. X's entire mission, at the core of it, is to keep Zero's name and memory pure. He is easily agitated by the villains’' attempts to slander Zero. When Zero and X are reunited, X's happiness (bad translations or not) is painfully obvious. In any of the games, never did X seem to relieved or happy than to finally reunite with Zero.

"X: Yes. We will join hands... And never let anyone sever us again! Let's go, Zero!"

Even without regaining Zero, X is keen to his presence. Although he does not see him, X knows Zero was there after Gate's defeat. His disappointment at not finding Zero is obvious, and although throughout the game Alia seems to try and reach out to X, he refuses her, focusing only on Zero til the very end.

I admit I have nothing on X7 because I despise the game and couldn't play past the first hour of it.

I will also admit X8 doesn't have as much evidence as say, X5. However, X's explanation of Zero's behavior shows insight at their closeness, that X knows immediately what Zero's problem is, and quietly informs Layer so that she may understand.

The biggest indicator of X8 for this pair is Zero's special ending.

"Zero: [leaning against the wall of the elevator] If what Lumine said was right, then Sigma won't be coming back. [opens his eyes, smiles, and looks directly at X] Maybe this means I won't have to fight anymore..."

Throughout the series Zero begins to build a devotion to X and his ideals. This devotion becomes much more paramount and shown more explicitly in the Megaman Zero series, which I will also cover.

Also, before moving to the next series, I know a lot of people don't like to think of the RPG, Megaman X: Command Mission as canon. But it's still a published Capcom game set in the universe of MM/RM.

However, someone else did a (although fangirly) quick recap of the first half of the game's evidence of slashiness. You can read it here: http://necchan.livejournal.com/208630.html

And yes, that's only the first half. When I remember the rest of the game, I assure you, I'll add it.

For now, we'll move on to the Megaman Zero universe. The basic set up of this series is that it's set 100 years after the end of the X-series, and after a bloody four-year war known as the Elf Wars.

Through the series and, with some help from drama tracks, the basic jist is that Zero gave himself to science after the Maverick Wars, where they were finally able to crack the code to the virus and create the perfect anti-virus. This anti-virus became the first Cyber Elf, and was dubbed 'Mother Elf.' With Mother Elf, the world and moon was purged of both Sigma and Zero Viruses, and peace came to be.

However, at some point, an evil man named Dr. Weil stole Zero's original body and the Mother Elf. Zero's consciousness and soul was placed in a copy body, and Dr. Weil fashioned a new AI for the original body and renamed it Omega. With Omega and Mother Elf, who was cursed into Dark Elf, the Elf Wars began. Omega wiped out about 95% of the world before he was finally defeated and exiled into space; Dr. Weil was also placed in an immortal body to forever suffer for his crimes and exiled, and Dark Elf was imprisoned.

Zero placed himself back into stasis to avoid another conflict. Although not shown in the games themselves, the drama tracks from the Remastered Tracks: TELOS show the emotional goodbyes between Zero and X.

"X: Zero!

ZERO: X...?

X: [shaky breath] Are you okay with this? How can they do this to you after how much you fought for everyone?

ZERO: As long as I exist...history will continue to be stained with blood...

X: No... Zero, what are you saying?!

ZERO: I've always wondered... for what purpose... for who's sake... must we Reploids slaughter one another... But even then... you continued to believe in the humans... I trust in you as my friend... That's why, I want to trust the words of the humans... you believe in...

[A siren goes off.]

X: [panicking] Stop! Stop the sealing right now!

ZERO:  It's okay, X..  It's already...half...

[ZERO drifts off.]"

Although yes, it's clearly stated in any translation you find, Zero refers to X as his friend. However, out of all the friends he had, X is the one who Zero adopts his ideals and beliefs. It's X's dream Zero desires so to protect, and will place himself in eternal purgatory to do it. Not just die... but drift endlessly in the in between. X himself begs Zero not to do it, beside himself with grief. This is evidence in his voice, quite clearly.

We move to Z1, which opens 100 years later with Dr. Ciel on the run. She finds Zero and, with the help of a Cyber Elf, resurrects him. Zero wordlessly and, rather stoically, immediately falls into combat and leads Ciel out of the lab. They eventually run to a dead end, where Ciel walks to a caved-in area. As she mumbles, Zero hears something and warns her, but it's too late. A golem snatches her, and Zero tries to save her, but he only has a buster. It does nothing.

A mysterious voice comes from a nearby computer, who speaks to Zero as if it knows him well. In fact, it forces the computer to give Zero something rather personal--Zero's very own Z-Saber. With it, he cuts down the golem in one strike, but the voice is gone. Zero, who now has complete amnesia to the point he doesn't know his own name, is helpless but to follow Ciel. At the Base, she explains what's going on: The legendary X is carelessly destroying Reploids.

At this point, Zero stops her, muttering how the name X founds familiar. When Ciel affirms X and his destructive ways, Zero again mutters, rather disbelievingly of what Ciel says. However, he honestly has no choice but to agree to help. He has no memory of who he is... the only thing that is familiar to him now is this 'X.'

As the game goes on Zero does missions for Ciel to rescue Reploids, stop the enemy, and defend the base. Before he goes off to face this tyrant, a Cyber Elf visits him... the mysterious voice from before, who is able to grant them access to Neo Arcadia's most secured areas. He leaves with a simple request, "Destroy that copy of me."

Everyone is shocked, for they realize that was the true X. Zero shouts for him to come back, but it's too late. X is gone.

Zero goes to Neo Arcadia, fighting through the Guardians and their soldiers, and soon learns the truth: the 'X' is a copy Ciel herself created that went mad. Zero is affronted by this, and when he faces off with Copy X, firmly states that he is no hero. That X is the true hero, the true leader, the one who could bring rightful justice. He is annoyed by Copy X's slander of X.

There is both ingame and drama track dialogue between the two, but the same message is presented: Zero is not impressed with Copy X, and although he lost his memory, he clearly remembers X was stronger, in every way, then Copy.

After Copy X's destruction and Zero's narrowing escape, Zero is laying in the desert, dangling between consciousness. X returns, and we finally see his ethereal form; here, he speaks to Zero. After his request, he disappears, and Zero awakens. He heard X's request clearly, judging by his response.

"X: Since you disappeared I've been fighting this war alone against an uncountable number of Mavericks for nearly a hundred years... Battle after battle... So painful and so sad... But the hardest part was when I discovered that I no longer cared about fighting enemies...
I'll leave this world to you... Please allow me... to rest in peace... for a while... ......... I'm sorry, Zero...

[X vanishes. Zero awakens and gets up]

Zero: So be it... But that's why we are the best partners... I'll do what you want... Rest for a while. I will handle it, you can count on me. I won't stop! When an enemy appears... I'll terminate it..."

Z2 shows us Zero trekking across a desert in obvious disrepair, but he continues to fight. It's been a year since the fall of Copy X and he never returned to the Resistance Base. After fighting through hordes of enemies, Zero eventually collapses, where Harpuia finds him. Taking no pleasure in slaying a downed enemy, Harpuia brings Zero to the new Resistance Base, where he meets the new commander, Elpizo. After introductions, Elpizo asks for Zero's help.

Zero heads to a forest to rescue some Resistance members. After doing so, he is visited by none other than X. He is shocked, perhaps pleasantly so. When X begins to speak of ominous things to come, Zero seems agitated, wanting X to get to the point.

Here we pause for fan interpretation. Because the Zero series relies on dialogue to get anything across (sprites show very little emotion, you know), and it is not voiced, we must 'imagine' the tone the dialogue is spoken in. Many would imagine Zero's 'What's your point, X' to be said briskly with impatience. Perhaps he is, and perhaps he's also annoyed that X would not take a moment to be pleasant. Instead it must be work.

Zero shows very little emotion to anyone. When he speaks to others, it's often stoic, vague, or just generally 'uncaring' answers. The few times he shows more are with X, or only when Ciel needs to be 'reassured.' Zero showing annoyance around X, despite having lost his memories, shows he is comfortable with showing more than the usual professionalism around X.

Moving on, Zero continues missions for Elpizo until Operation Righteous Strike, which fails. After saving Elpizo and the Base, the commander bails and the hunt for him is on. Zero tries to find him, but is always a step behind. Eventually it's revealed Elpizo has gone mad (partly due to the Baby Elves, the clones of the Dark Elf) and now he seeks to reclaim the Dark Elf.

During one of the missions, we find Elpizo using the Baby Elves to restrain X. Zero intervenes, and Elpizo escapes. Zero and X have an exchange.

"X: ... ... ...  Sorry, Zero...  I didn't expect them to have become that strong...

Zero: X...

X: As long as I'm protecting the seal of the main body, I'm not ready to deal with them...

Zero: Don't worry...  I'll handle it..."

Once more we must use fan interpretation to 'figure out' the tones used. X is obviously sorrowful and apologetic, feeling 'useless' in his current state. Zero's intonation of his name could be said in a worried, forgiving or a mix of both manner, perhaps even relief that X is seemingly all right.

What is important to notice here is Zero's uncertainty and hesitation. Zero has shown uncertainty before, but it was a 'firm' sort, a sort of 'I don't know but so what' sort of tone. This, however, is much deeper than that. Zero is openly expressing to X what he hopes is confidence, but unlike before, that confidence is weak. Zero openly shows his weakness, despite trying to appear strong for X, and around no other does he show such.

A few more failed attempts at getting to Elpizo, and soon Zero must chase him down to Neo Arcadia itself. There, X reappears to give Zero the location, and we've yet another exchange.

"X: I'm sorry...  My voice couldn't seem to draw off his attention... But she...  ...  They call her a Dark Elf.  She is not fully awake yet...  With my remaining power, I'm still trying to not wake her up...  please, Zero...  Come to Neo Arcadia...  And please stop him...  Zero...

[Exit X]

Zero: Ciel.  Trans me now.

Ciel: We can't transfer you directly to the core of Neo Arcadia...  ... ... ... But if you go, we can transfer you to somewhere around the main entrance...  Though it's very dangerous...  But...  Zero!

Zero: Don't worry... I'm sure...  I can work it out."

Here we do have Zero showing that shaken confidence, this time around Ciel. But it's a sort of 'vague' feeling, as if he isn't aware he's really hearing her or she's even there still. He's worried, immensely so, for X, and is shaken by the obvious urgency X has presented. X is in direct danger, and Zero is finding himself on a race of time. For once he isn't sure if he can save someone, and in that numbing mindset, he tunnel-visions.

After the usual 'boss rush', Zero comes face to face with Elpizo... and they have found X's body. As Elpizo gloats, Zero becomes angry, swearing he won't allow Elpizo to harm X. Unfortunately, Elpizo snares Zero, and destroys X's body.

We are given a still-image cut scene of Zero's completely enraged, and horrified, expression. After X's body explodes, the seal is broken, and Elpizo merges with the Dark Elf. Free of his bonds, Zero says nothing more, now hell-bent on destroying Elpizo for what he had done.

When, after the battle, Dark Elf saves Elpizo, Zero hardly cares. He doesn't respond to Elpizo's words, doesn't react to anything until Dark Elf muttering his name snaps him out of his anger hazed. Confused by the situation, and unable to figure out how to handle what has transpired, Zero can only focus on Dark Elf. Even when X's spirit speaks to him, Zero once more has that 'vague' feeling about him. He doesn't know what to do, what to think, so he can only tunnel-vision.

Z3 is two months ahead. Zero escorts Ciel and some Resistance members through a snowy trail. Here, we find Zero has more of 'his own' personality now, instead of a stoic Reploid. As Ciel and the others talk, he snaps at them all, angered by their chatter. They come across what appears to be a ship, and Zero moves on alone.

After the initial mission, which reveals Dr. Weil, Omega, and a new Copy X, we cut to Resistance Base. Zero and Ciel briefly speak, of which Zero (by the way of his dialogue, there's a feeling of sarcasm in it) suggests they begin to search for the Dark Elf themselves.

We don't see X again until Zero once more faces off with Copy X, whose body was rigged by Dr. Weil to explode. After Copy X dies and Weil takes control of Neo Arcadia, Zero asks X for his help, who says he will do what he can. This exchange has that professional air, for Zero feels he's on a time crunch, but he does pause when X mentions Omega and 'the heart matters.' He's confused, but he doesn't linger on it.

After some more missions, Weil manages to mind control the Reploids of the Resistance. X intervenes, rescuing them and resulting in the exchange below.

"X: It's okay. They're just unconscious. All I did was disable the power of the Dark Elf. But my current power can only protect those at this base.

Zero: Took you long enough, X. Where's Weil?"

We have to do more fan interpretation (there's a lot of that isn't there? Then again, you have to do it for every couple you plan to ship!) Zero may be sounding impatient with X, but there isn't any sarcasm or even a sort of 'negative' sort of emotion like when he sometimes speaks to Ciel. "Took you long enough" is an expression easily said in a teasing manner... a manner Zero only has shown to X. This once more expresses Zero's comfort around X, and if the situation were different, it's rather easy to believe Zero could be smiling a bit as he says it.

Zero follows X's directions and finds and does battle with Omega. He learns the truth, that Omega is his original body, and they once more fight. When both are down to their last stand, the Dark Elf attempts to heal Omega and keeps Zero back. Thanks to the Guardians and X coming to the scene, Zero is able to get on his feet to finish Omega himself. Before he does, X says:

"X: The defeated Omega is using your original body. That's all... Your current body may be a copy... But your heart is the real thing. You can do it. You know what's truly important. Go on, Zero!"

X assures Zero of his identity, regardless of the body. With this reminder, with X's strength and support, Zero strikes down his original body with no hesitation. Omega's body explodes, and X expands the rest of his energy, as well as Mother Elf's help, to get him to safety.

As Zero lies unconscious, X beseeches Zero to do what he failed to do: bring peace to the world and reunite the Reploids and humans. It's debatable if Zero hears him or not, for once X is gone (and is now 'dead' completely) he awakens, a bit disoriented. Ciel speaks to him, and when she repeats what X says, Zero thanks her for the reminder.

People can argue he thanks her for believing in him, but she merely says what X already said. This exchange can be taken either way.

Z4 is going to go by quick, because I've made this long enough. The two biggest scenes after the fights on Ragnarok vs. Craft and Weil. Versus Craft, Zero says to him on why he suffers the narrow-mindedness of humans,

"Zero: I made a promise to a friend I intend to keep. To someone who believed harmony between human and Reploid as possible. I trust that friend. And I trust the humans that friend trusts..."

What does this say? Zero doesn't fight for Ciel. He doesn't fight for the Resistance. He fights for X's ideals and beliefs, his devotion to X from the X-series now returning. He has again become the sword to clear the path for X's dream.

At the end of the game, we have Zero's infamous speech here,

"Zero: I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!

Ciel... Believe in me!"

Again we see Zero doesn't fight just for Ciel or any faction. What he fights for is the beliefs, the people with those beliefs. The beliefs Ciel and the others other are the exact same X has--after a hundred years, finally, X's ideals have passed on. Zero fights to keep those ideals alive.

I kept the last part to also point out something else many anti-yaoi people will say. Zero's last words to Ciel aren't something of a romantic gesture. As X did with Zero, so will Zero do to Ciel--he passes the torch to her. X carried the torch of fighting for the ideals of peace, passed it to Zero, who carried it the same. And now, knowing his end has come, Zero passes that torch to Ciel. "Believe in me", as in, "Believe in what I fought for, what I will die for."

As an overall point, I want to bring back the fact of Zero's amnesia. The entire Zero series, 98% of Zero's memories regained had to do with X. Out of all the things and people of his past, Zero's most important and cherished are related to X.

This essay could easily be used as a 'they are friends only' argument, but there is an obvious deep (and almost obsessive) bond between the two. Even if one wishes to deny romantic involvement, Zero and X are soul mates, intertwined together in ways that cannot be denied, regardless of the wishes of the fandom.

I hope I brought some decent evidence to this pairing, that's credible and easily seen. But as I will say with all pairings, and this one is no exception, it's all in the fan interpretation.

I dunno what it is, but writing my Rockman stuff is getting harder and harder to do. I mean, I still got lots of passion for the series, don't get me wrong. If anyone's been noticing I do admit I've been working on a DISSIDA: FINAL FANTASY fic on the side, but it's been following a game very closely til recently, and now it's like...

Okay, so let's start this whinefest in the beginning. It's late, I feel emo, so I'ma... emo. Harhar.

So when I'm following a game a lot closer, nearly pretty much novelizing it, I seem to be doing pretty good and can pump out chapters quick. I mean, for my DISSIDIA fic, the first 9 chapters I got within days of each other because I followed FF8's timeline. Now that I'm severely deviating from it, I find myself severely slowing on it, just like I am with Song of Memory: REDUX.

I guess I'm getting frustrated with how hard it seems for me to write out an 'original' plotline (despite it being fanworks) even if I got all these notes and such to do it. Like right now I was working on SoM:R's 34th chapter, and I got maybe a page and a half done, following my notes, before I realized that it's kinda shitty. And I wonder why the hell that is. So I figured I'll take a break and go work on my DISSIDA fic. I get half a page until I just close Word out of frustration. I feel like my quality of writing hits the shithole for no goddamn reason because I'm not following a game's plot scene-for-scene. I mean, shouldn't I, as a writer, be able to get these original deviations from the plot going?

I got my notes for both stories laid out for several chapters yet for some reason I just can't seem to translate into writing very well. SoM:R's chapter 34 is boring; Magnet (the DISSIDIA fic) is too reliant on dialogue I feel to get shit done. It's like... "ARRGGHHH WHHYYY".

I don't even know what I'm really bitching about. I guess I'm just scared I'm losing my writing edge and I haven't even 'done' anything to do so. I mean, I always figured so long as I write and strive to do better, I'll be fine. But why am I having so many issues? With fucking fanfiction to boot?

I really wanna finish SoM:R. I really like my idea I have for it. I like my planned ending, I like my characterization of the characters. The drive is there so why the fuck can I not do it? I can't blame RL because I'm not like, overburdened with work right now (altho come June I start clinicals again, /sarcasticyay) and it's just... argh.

I really need to invest in one of those wireless USB things and move my computer to my room. I know I lose a lot of writing chances because I can't write if people are in the room and have plain view of my screen. I dunno why, I just can't, and everyone suddenly has a new fucking interest in TV.

God I don't even know what  I'm really bitching about. I JUST NEED TO VENT OKAY?! ; ;

FML. For serious.

Someone give me a damn inspiration fairy or thirty. Please?

Thank you~ =) Song of Memory is approaching the end soooon, I'm sadly really busy with RL schooling but come March I'll have more free time, so hopefully I'll be updating a lot more often then! I hope you enjoy all you find here and what's to come~ Again, thank you for the kind comment <3

Other than the reply, I don't have much of an update. Other than I'm not as sick and clinicals are almost done yaaaaay I can't wait for Maaaaaaaarch.

Oh, and I now have an old Australian dude living in my house. So if weird Australian slang/terms/phrases/weird stuff gets said here (or God forbid in my stories) then you all know where it came from. XD
Random ass spriting. And yes, I support OmegaX. Heee.

And no, I won't explain the way/how/what. Just have fun.
Yeah, say box is blank cause I have no idea what Omega would say... and why he's holding X, in an empty room, or why X needs to be held at all.

I like how X came out though!
>.> Hurrr. Self-explainatory. Yes it's Omega. But you can pretend its Zero if you want. XD
Minor sprite edits (such as hand on hip for Omega and arm crossing for X) with random dialogue that makes no sense cause there isn't any to be made =)
Omega to the rescue! Totally random. X looks like he's just chillin'. I might edit this/remake it later. Animated .gifs are fun XD

And... that's it. Just me being random.
I really do dislike the fact I'm prone to being a bitch, but at the same time, I kinda like it, cause its pretty amusing to both me and those who listen. And you, my traffic and fans, get to listen to me bitch. About what? People and fanfics. I started ranting last night to Elise and now its carried over. Let the bitchfest/whinefest begin.

Top 5 Things That Tick Off Irihi No Matter How Hard You Try To Make Sure It Won't:
1. Overpowered/Illogical/'Recolored'/Fucking Retarded Ass OCs - No, seriously, I don't mind a few OCs now and then in a fanwork. I can't include all OCs when I myself use one (Delia, from Song of Memory: Redux). But here's the thing that pisses me off--when people's OCs make no goddamn sense, have no place in the fandom, and are somehow 'fatefully' better or on par with the canonical characters.

NO. Just NO. You are not some uber fucking special gift from God to the universe of your (unfortunate) chosen fandom. There's a reason the canonical heroes are powerful and seperate from the non-hero characters of the game/anime/book/whathaveyou, because the story is about them. A fanwork is a show of your support of what happens in the game, even if you're tweaking it to suit your tastes (such as the yaoi fandom of MMX/MMZ.). Tweaking what's there is fine. Having an OC or two that help the plot but are not the spotlight and the world revolves around them is dandy. But an OC that saves the fucking world where the heroes failed--and, might I add, said OC has some unwordly power NOT EVEN RELATED TO THE FANDOM UNIVERSE--is  fail OC and pisses me off cause why the fuck am I supposed to be interested and reading a "fic" that revolves around some person who isn't part of the game/anime/whathaveyou I'm looking at? If I wanted random ass people not related to my fandom, I'd go read a goddamn original novel.

I'm not impeding on your creativity. You're impeding on the fandom. GTFO. If you want to be creative in ways that involve original characters that are 'better' than canonical ones, go write something original. Fanfiction is meant to stretch your creativity when set in an already established world. Tweaks are good. Self-inserting your ass into it is not.

OH. AND ALSO. If you fucking must have an OC... FFS, make it a real, original character. Not a knock off of another character like Zero or X, or some freaky, creepy eye-raping furry weird ass thing that has no reason or logic to be in the particular fandom, but actually looks like it belongs to AN UNRELATED FANDOM. Some fandoms are NOT MEANT TO CROSS. I know boundaries are meant to be broken. STATE LINES ARE NOT.

I'd like to add a special note: If you do have such an OC who's role is much like the heroes of the fandom, but there is STRONG LOGIC, SOLID IDEAS and BELIEVABLE reasons your OC exists, I may not be including you in this.

If you are a copy of canonical character, you automatically fail and make people rage. Quit making people rage, goddammit.

2. Overly Retarded Purple Prose/Flowery Language
Guess what? You're not a poet, and definately not Shakespere. Go ahead and write what's deemed professional... but I (and others) can't take you seriously when you're talking like a moron who's trying way too fucking hard. Yes, use descriptive words. Yes, assist us in imagining the image you want to get across. Lay off the attempt to sound poetic. No one gives that much of a fuck after the fourth line of just how much passion is between two people. We get it. Move the fuck on. It's hard to explain what exactly I'm bitching about, but its mostly that fake, stupid, obviously-trying-to-hard-to-impress word usage that makes you want to barf. I have a very specific example in mind, but I don't wanna hear the emofest if I actually showed it/linked it. Trust me when I say everyone has seen it and went "wtf are you TRYING to say?".

3. Too Much Talking For No Goddamn Reason
Sometimes a lengthy conversation needs to happen. But who the hell sits there, minutes on end, facing each other and just talk? Very few. Throw in something else between the endless quotes.

Better yet, show, don't tell. Sometimes no one needs to speak to get a point across. A pet peeve I touched on in the LJ I never really ranted properly about... people don't talk that much during sex. They got other things to waste their breath on. We readers also don't give a fuck for full length conversations during sex scenes. Teach the characters to shut up. A few words here and there is fine. But full on speeches? Be quiet goddammit.

4. People That Support Retarded OCs (See No.1 For The Meaning of 'Retarded OCs')
Stop. Fucking stop. DO NOT FEED THE TROLL. Stop ruining the fandom aarrgghhhh whhhyyyyy?

5. People Who Are Dicks In General
I'm probably being hypocritical with this one. But seriously. Do you have to be such a goddamn wanker? At least I do it in a blog where its my territory. I don't care if the Internet lets you be anon and all that, don't be an asshole for no goddamn reason. And get the fuck off my page if that's all you're gonne do.

Done. I feel better. *sips coffee*