Okay so I'm terrible at this blogging thing, I really should try to keep it updated. Anyways, happy belated new years, we are in 2012! Let's hope I can finish all my stories before the end of the world, eh? =D

All right, first things first, I'ma give you all the low down. I'm sick. What I'm sick with I don't know. It's random, sharp pain in my head that comes and goes sometimes quick, sometimes lasts. My neurologist has no idea what's wrong so we're in the 'let's test all these medication options' phase. I've had this issue since summer, and while I don't wanna make it an excuse it's partly the reason for the drought of writing.

Hopefully the meds will work, but so far it's made the pain more frequently, just doesn't last as long.

I have unofficially passed nursing. By that I mean I've gone through 99% of the classes, now I'm going to do preceptorship. I'll be partnered with an actual RN and work her shift with her 3 days out of the week. Full shifts, 7 to 7 (later if need be) and overtime doesn't count for my hours. Once I get that schedule down, you should see more updates from me, since that leaves me four days to myself.

Anyway, to the stuff ya'll actually care about! STORY STATUS!

Song of Memory: Redux - this story IS NOT ABANDONED. I know it's been going for like, two years, but I swore I'd finish it and finish it I will. Right now we're on chapter 36 of the planned 50+Epilogue. As you surely know by now, SoMR is basically a re-telling of the X-series starting pretty much just before X4, and we're currently in X8. A few have asked me, what about X1-X3? While I won't be following those games exactly, I promise some elements from them will come to light in the remaining chapters. I will not include any elements from Xtreme, as I didn't play them, and CM was already covered. For those who've been continued fans and readers, and even those newly discovering it, thank you! I truly appreciate you all.

The Legends of Neo Arcadia - While many probably don't know about this mini project, as only one fic of it has been completed, I will state these are all pretty much only 1% completed. While I dearly love the sci-fi+fantasy elements, I think out of all the 'series' I have on the site, these will be on the end of the list to be done. Sorry for any that knew of them and were looking forward to them.

Through Glass - This is basically my second 'Cold', in that it'll be long. Cold took months of straight work to complete, and with preceptorship and head issues (Haha, I'm mental *bricked*) I don't know how long TG will take. However, after SoMR, this is second highest priority. I dearly love my concept for it, and so far I quite like my quality of writing. It's fics like this and Cold that I try to write my best and then attempt to beat that best with something better. TG I'll be happy if it's comparable to Cold. I'll be truly proud of its better. As such, I will warn my readers, The final part of Through Glass will not be posted until I am thoroughly happy with the entire thing. Unlike Cold, which I posted all at once, I am trying with posting TG in parts. If you like, you can tell me which you prefer--waiting for a final product, or seeing it work in progress.

60 Days - This is a spur of the moment one shot mini series. It's not meant to have an actual 'end' piece. Therefore, it may or may not be updated in the future, it's just something you have to watch out for. I can't force myself to write a 60 Days piece if I don't want to, and I'm not gonna even try ^^;

Beauty of the Beast - I admit, this was just supposed to be a guilty pleasure, PWP Omega/shota!Zero series for my inner pervert. However, as I was writing the later parts, I suddenly had the inspiration for a real, in-depth plot. Right now the first 3 chapters (the porn ones) are going to be completely rewritten to better match a less porny story. Fear not, if you're a fan of the dirty smut, I will keep them posted elsewhere on the site. But the re-writing is, like the Legends of Neo Arcadia, below that of SoMR and TG.

Rockin' Zero! - This is crack. It's meant to be crack. While it has a 'plot' in a sense, it's still nonesense humor for those nights I'm high on caffiene, incredibly tired but can't sleep, or just feel like making a fool of myself. So updates will be sporadic.

And finally, for those of you who wander here from FF.net (I'll end up copying this on my FF.net profile just to make sure you see it) for my DISSIDIA fic:

Magnet and Magnetized - I am so sorry for the lack of updates here. To be perfectly honest Magnet is nearing the end and I would love to finish it up for you all! I still love 8x9 and want to write more on them! However, I am still primarily a Rockman ficwriter, so while I swear I will finish Magnet and it's sister fic, I can't promise a steady schedule like it had before. However, I want it to be known that I will work on Magnet til the end, and then finish up Magnetized after the main fic is finished! Please bear with me, and those who continue to enjoy it, thank you so much!

Also, about the website:

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've put fics on seperate pages in accordance to their series. I will also start linking the newest updates on the homepage across from the updater Plurk thing. Only three updates will be there at a time, so keep watch of Plurk if it's been a while since your last visit!

I also took down the Preview section. Sorry. It was useless when we hit that writing drought. Random one shots are short enough to not need previews and multi-chap stories... you'll just have to wait ^^;

I'll keep the sprites and MML3 sections up but for sprites, don't expect much, haha.

I think that's about it. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment, email me at [email protected] or add me to MSN (Same email), but make sure you give me some indication of who you are/your purpose or I'll think you're a bot XD;
All right so my first MMX story ever was Song of Memory, of which I'm re-writing as Song of Memory: Redux.

So far I'm relatively happy with the fanfic. It could use a few touch ups but the 28 chapters posted are still pretty good quality. I think the build up wasn't too long or too short, Zero's depression over Iris and Colonel was relatively realistic, the sex wasn't just fanservice and had emotion associated to it, etc. I hope I can continue to churn out quality chapters despite the business of nursing school.

Right now SoM:R is meant to end around the 50 chapter mark. Currently we are in what I call the "Nightmare Arc", which will be a combination of X6, X7, and a little bit of X8. That's right, we'll see the Hunters getting pelted by Gate's Nightmare virus and Red Alert, and that's just the outside influences.

What I'm going to ramble about right now isn't so much related to the Arc itself as it is one of the factors: the Axl and Delia relationship.

Right now the way the story is going, Axl and Delia are going to hook up. Delia is flirting shamelessly with Axl and Axl is hitting puberty. I plan to hook them together but, I wonder how far they'll go. Sometimes no matter how much I plan the story and characters do their own thing it seems.

They can simply date, or actually get heavy into each other, or possibly never date at all and it's more one-sided. Either way it goes X and Zero aren't gonna be happy, especially X. He's so angry nowadays you'd think he was PMSing! Who's ever seen X so lashy outside of Zero dying? Zero is typically the lashy one. Hmmm.

The other factor of the Nightmare Arc that's also sort of getting me is the Gate/Alia/Signas triangle. I've always been a fan of Signas/Alia as a het couple, but Gate/Alia also has tons of potential. My question is, should I even put any real emphasis on this triangle, or keep other couplings to a minimum and focus only on Zero and X? I know I'll show brief Signas/Alia moments as the story unfolds, but should I add a little more just for some diversity? I kinda want to, but I don't want to clutter my story if its completely unwanted.

Anyway that's my rant for the next month. Check out the LJ (see links section) for storyboarding/concepts/rambling of mature stories. Back to studying!